Way down in southern Utah is the magical location of Swing Arm City near Hanksville, UT. This is a legendary location where many automotive shoots have happened, most notably Ken Block destroying the place in his Ford Rally Car. I was tasked with producing a commercial for Monster Energy Drink and Maverik where we where giving away a toy hauler trailer that we had wrapped and dubbed the Beast Hauler. Obviously the spot needed to be on brand for both companies and I thought that this would be the perfect location because Swing Arm City is the native environment for a trailer like this.
Now, you can’t give away a toy hauler without some toys to show it off, so I called up Weldon Medina and DJ Osbourne. Both of them are super talented riders and they brought a couple of friends. Obviously job one was showing off the trailer, but the dirt biking was just too awesome, so, I made this cut too. Enjoy.
I served as producer, DP, drone pilot, and editor. Swing Arm City might be the most fun place I’ve flown the FPV drone yet.